For each client we understand our service value is very important. We don't take the responsibility of new business sales lightly. Matchpoint and our clients partner together to make this process successful. Both companies leverage their talent, share their knowledge and maximize their efforts to achieve new business.

Ideally we work on-site with our clients. We have also worked virtually to accomplish our client's new business goals. Being on-site fosters integrated, open communication and provides our clients with daily reassurance that progress is being made.

Our approach is not to just 'create a call list' and start calling prospects to pursue new business. We are far from a telemarketing firm. Based on our discovery, we research potential prospects from five or more channels of opportunity™ and then filter and prioritize the results. MatchPoint and our clients work every day toward the same goal.  

We begin by understanding our clients business: who they are, who they market to, who they partner with, what clients the do have and why. By understanding this, we can then look at their brand, messaging, website, sales presentations, case studies and more. Using existing materials or creating new ones, we develop and implement a multi-tier program using targeted sales tools to approach prospects that are very targeted to communicate our clients offerings.

We know all companies operate differently and all industries utilize marketing and sales differently, yet basic marketing and sales principles are the same. It's important to understand this information in implementing an overall business strategy for sales and marketing to be successful.

The following are the different areas of service we provide  . . .