We're different because we refine the sales process best suited for our client and develop a program from research to close. We nurture new business consistently everyday. Most companies don't have a cohesive process for new business or accountability. Instead, they employ the old 'divide and conquer' method, with predictably mixed results. Other times we find that the owner of the company is handling sales, becoming mired in the day-to-day business of the firm, and losing sight of the vision of the company and the opportunities that are out there. Or, we find that the nurturing of new business is handled in an inconsistent manner, leaving new prospects unsure as to whether you truly want their business.

Working closely together with us, our clients benefit from true 'Hunter' talent, emerging technology and a process that provides results and can be implemented quickly to accelerate new business activity. We become partners with our clients for the long term. We understand that the critical importance of working together translates directly into our clients reaching their new business development goals. Our main objective is to blend the sales and marketing program to help the company run better, but also makes it run smarter and more profitably. MatchPoint will transform your company's sales force from a 'no process' approach, to a focused team that effectively implements a proven method that nurtures potential clients, cultivates five or more revenue channels, and ultimately brings in new business.

We are thinkers, strategists and hunters at heart. We step back and assess the client's market position, brand message, services, sales and marketing strategy, as well as to scrutinize what processes are currently in place. Then we look at what has worked, as well as what hasn't. We then combine our capabilities with our client's to create and implement a targeted new business development plan, a plan that will not only be right for the company, but one that also will be successful. Our program goes even further to include the use of marketing communications to enhance the cultivation process, and the building of brand awareness in the marketplace. These efforts touch new prospects in a way that won't be achieved by a simple phone call.

We provide a team to get the job done. Depending on your objectives, we start with two people on an account, and grow to a team that represents your company seamlessly. A team that can support verticals or categories that are not only right for you, but are also the best fit for future growth. And with our team, our strategy, and our sales process and reporting value, we can immediately start generating new business.

Compare this with the full cost of hiring and training a new business team, managing the entire process and it becomes clear that MatchPoint is a fiscally sound investment, one that rapidly provides results and ultimately saves you money.

We are passionate to make a difference! Our team of professionals has the desire and the know-how to produce results, results that directly impact our client's growth. Simply put, doing a great job, and being recognized for it, are the hallmarks of MatchPoint's success. We are proactive in understanding our client's business, what their target market is, and going after it with our unique process. With our sales approach and marketing savvy, our industry knowledge and experience, and our accountability and consistent methodology, we enjoy the challenge of achieving our client's new business goals.